Monday, August 15, 2016

Build your Vision

Build Your Vision

Time to start digging into this team's first core tenet.


Each one of us; whether your on my team or not has to learn responsibility, for ourselves, our families, and our faith.

What is your vision? 

As you continue to read I want you to think about your goals and where you see yourself in the future. Comment these below and lets turn that vision into reality.


We must realize that we are responsible for our own path in life, our vision. LeRoy Washington said; "Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality."

See, its our own mind that belies the illusion that an external force makes you feel an internal response. 

-Franklin D. Roosevelt said it best,
"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds."

Once you learn to tune out the people who say you can't make it, or you won't succeed. All the haters and bullies. The critics in your life. Once you can move past all that and focus on your path. On what really matters to you and the things you need to accomplish. Once you are fully committed to your goals;

 You will start to build faith and momentum kicks in.


If all you seek and focus on is negativity, that is all your going to find in your life.  

You need to have faith that your vision is what God created you to do. Each one of us is unique. With our own talents and abilities. Once you realize what those are and align them with your goals then you have found your path.

It takes time and lots and lots of practice. And sometimes it will still hurt, sometimes a comment will still get to you and I want you to know its Okay. Pick yourself up dust yourself off and keep at it.

We must take responsibility for our own actions and live in faith.

That drive, that faith; turns into belief. 

And once you believe something, it starts to manifest in your life.

Our Family

I have a vision of committing not only to myself but also my family to be the best version of myself. 

As leaders we have the responsibility to continually grow as a person for the betterment of our families. To challenge ourselves and push ourselves harder then we might have, because it's not just about us anymore.

No holds barred, all in. So I was Determined to finish my first Beachbody program. 21 Day Fix.

I'm currently on day 11 as I write this post and am already noticing gains. 

There is no magic here, no super diet, just hard work and commitment to follow a top notch program. Showing up everyday ready to give it my ALL.

Notice I said my all.

 Every one is at their own place in their journey. As long as you are giving it your best each day, then you WILL see results. It might take longer than a week, it might take a whole round of 21 days. Heck it might even take doing 2 or 3 complete rounds, but if you don't give up on yourself and fully commit to your vision.

You will get there!

I would like to help you reach your vision of a better you. 

Comment below or follow me on Facebook for more information on how to get started. There is no better time than now!

   Want me as your Coach?

      My Beach Body Site

Friday, August 5, 2016

My Story

The Ultimate Hard Gainer

Ever since I was young I was skinny. 
Really skinny. 

You might be thinking
'But Jesse?! Isn't that a good thing??'
Well, lets take a look

I would have to consistently wear overly baggy clothing to avoid being called names and tried to wear jeans as much as I could to hide those stick like chicken legs.   

No matter how much I ate nothing changed. In fact I would actually get sick and start to lose more weight! It seemed I was cursed with a super fast metabolism. My friends and family kept saying. "Oh don't worry, when you get older it'll slow down and then you'll start gaining the weight and muscle."

Fast forward till I was 15 years old. I got sick. 102 degree temperatures, cold sweats, no appetite, lay in bed all day kind of sick.

After a few weeks of this on and off I had enough. I literally begged my mom to take me to the hospital. 

Now when a 15 year old WANTS to go to the hospital that usually means somethings not right.

Since it was late in the evening we went to the Emergency Room. They took my weight right when I was admitted and my mom's face turned white as a ghost.

I had weighed roughly 98 pounds!!!

The doctors found out the reason why I got so sick and couldn't seem to gain weight.

That is when I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease.

 I was severely dehydrated the doctor told me if I would have waited till Monday and went to my primary care doctor I wouldn't have made it. Thats how bad it had gotten. 

Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America states:

The immune system usually attacks and kills foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. Under normal circumstances, the harmless bacteria in the intestines are protected from such an attack. In people with IBD, these bacteria are mistaken for harmful invaders and the immune system mounts a response. Cells travel out of the blood to the intestines and produce inflammation (a normal immune system response). However, the inflammation does not subside, leading to chronic inflammation, ulceration

After being released from the hospital I struggled for years. Every few months I would build a tolerance to the medication and get to the point where I'd wind up back in the ER. In a couple weeks I'd get back to my normal weight of  around 120 pounds with a new medicine. 

 But that wasn't enough. I wanted to live a healthy lifestyle, I just wanted to be normal.

I was in denial for a long time, I knew I had this illness; however I still did and ate things I should have known better not to.

I would get super competitive when working out with my friends,  push myself too hard and wind up back in the hospital.

I got anxious and depressed. Shutting myself off from the outside world. Staying in my room with the blinds shut playing video games all the time eating junk food, fast food, soda pops, energy drinks. 

The epitome of unhealthy foods and sedentary lifestyle.

Eventually I got back into the swing of living. Things started looking up. I came to terms with my illness and found myself again. Trying to find that balance and self control between the Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Eating better and exercising moderately I started to gain muscle.
At my best in my early 20s I weighed 140 pounds and still wanted to get stronger.

For every milestone accomplishment that I overcame I got a tattoo signifying my unrelenting Hawaiian spirit. Every triumph marked on my skin. Each tribal design an earned badge.     

Fast forward another year or so and all those gains. All those steps forward, all the progress I had made; came crashing down around me.

My chronic illness caught up with me. I had gotten almost to the point where I was when I first got diagnosed. One day my girlfriend, who is now my wife; found me laying face down on the floor almost passed out with another temperature of 102.3

She and my mom rushed me to the hospital ER. I had lost over 25 pounds and sat at 115 lbs. 

We then decided it was time to try surgery. I talked to the surgeon and the plan was to remove the inflamed part of the intestine and my colon. There I was laying in the hospital bed 25 years old and facing one of the hardest decisions I've had to make. Do I deny the procedure and risk getting worse? Or do I agree to remove the inflamed section and have to poop in a bag for the rest of my life? 

Oh and by the way, how Crohn's works. Even if they removed the part that's inflamed there is no guarantee that it won't affect the healthy tissue later in life. Meaning there is no cure.

I decided to go on with the surgery. That choice saved my life. The surgeons found out that I had developed diverticulitis in addition to Crohn's and my intestinal wall could have burst. To be safe my appendix was also removed.

Luckily they were able to reattach the healthy tissue during the surgery and I did not need a ileostomy bag.

Its now been 12 years since I was diagnosed with Crohn's; almost 3 since the surgery. I thank God everyday, but guess what 

 This is only the beginning  

Everyone has a choice

I had decided to not give in. Every time I look in the mirror I see my inner strength. I see what and who I know I am.

In August of 2016 I made a choice. I had seen the infomercials for beachbody before, heck I had even tried P90X before and couldn't finish it. 


I reached out and took the reins of my life and signed on as a Coach on Team Beachbody and want to help you reach your goals; whatever they may be. But first I must ask you  

Are you going to let the hand you were dealt dictate your life?

Or are you going to DECIDE right here, right now, to DO something about it.

A healthier, stronger, happier you IS possible.

If you work for it
And Never Give Up!

Whats holding you back?

As your Coach we will continue to grow on our journey.

Not just in fitness, but in life.

If that video got you pumped up I'm looking for people interested in getting in the best shape of their lives to join my team. Team RISEN.

Contact me for more info

    Want me as your Coach?
      My Beach Body Site

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Team Philosophy

Welcome to Team RISEN   

As your Coach, Leader, and friend let me congratulate you on taking your first steps towards your new lease on life! A healthier, stronger, more energetic you waits for you if you chose to work for it today.

Our team at it's very core is driven by five principles. Master these and your potential is limitless.

           R -Responsibility 
I -Integrity
S -Support
E -Educate
             N -Never Give up   

Sounds easy enough right? Its deceivingly simple. I could write and find blogs upon blogs for every single core value. We'll wait on that, for now let me say one more time welcome to the start of your journey!

Rise in Health. Rise in Fitness. Rise in Faith.